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All copyrights reserved to Street Dog Care.


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We have been the topic of several articles:

Partner Hund 11/2015

Partner Hund Artikel auf Deutsch – Die Geschichte von Street Dog Care (Ausgabe 11/2015)

Artikel von Beate Kesper 03/2015

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Artikel Tierwelt Schweiz, von Lea Frei (August 2015)


Artikel ” Schweinfurter Tagblatt ” about volunteer’s Nicole Cibis and Harald Krestel (July 2015)


Modern Dog Magazin – Canada (2010)

Teenz Magazine Nepal

Esc Teens Magazine Nepal Issue 35, written by volunteer Samyak Weasley Moktan, December 2013

“My Republica” Kathmandu, (Ujjwala Maharjan, Correspondent Republica, 2010)

We have published an educational children’s book. 

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